EnduraFit is proud to be affiliated with the following companies:


Rollga Perform Better Pedestal Footwear

foam rollers bands, weight, equipment barefoot training

A local company outfitting many high quality training studios, including EnduraFit. Our go-to recommendation for your home-gym needs as well. Get your high quality bands and weights for your home workout needs here.

Rollga foam rollers have proven far superior in our clients’ overall recovery and muscular rehabilitation. Their contoured design reaches muscles more precise and comfortable. Rollga offers 20% off all purchases for our clients when using code: ENDURAFIT at checkout.

We at EnduraFit recommend barefoot training to fully establish a proper muscular connection to the floor and encourage proper muscular development throughout all your training sessions. Pedestal Footwear is a local company we truly enjoy working with, one who also honors the importance of training the entire body.