
“You cannot out-train poor nutrition”

Nutrition Coaching

“You cannot out-train poor nutrition.” This is one of our favorite sayings when it comes to how important nutrition is to health and fitness. In fact, nutrition is 80% of fitness. When working with our nutrition clients, we not only help them understand how to make better choices for their meals, but also help them understand the why of making better choices. Studies have shown that “Restrictive Diets” do not work simply because they are not sustainable. Our goal with each client is to help them find a lifestyle where their nutrition plan is enjoyable and, most importantly, sustainable.

Here’s what to expect with our Nutrition Coaching packages:

  • Packages can be used as a stand alone package or an add-on to training packages.

  • You will receive a binder with all the information needed to journal your nutrition journey.

  • Coaching sessions meet (in addition to any current sessions at EnduraFit if applicable), once per week and last roughly 30 minutes in length. Sessions can be in person, over the phone or via Zoom.

  • Topics discussed during these sessions consist of reviewing the client’s nutrition journal, why certain choices were made and how they can be improved, and forming nutrition/health plans for the upcoming weeks.

  • Just like training programs, no two people are alike. The same goes for nutrition. We work with each client to form a customized plan to help them understand the importance of how to improve their nutrition lifestyle.


  • $199 / month

  • $99 / month add on to any training package

Menu Planners and Grocery Shopping Templates

The hardest part of nutrition is often the rebuilding of habits. We’ve made it super simple for you with menu planners, and Chris’ own grocery shopping template. These templates are beautifully designed and easy to use. Print them out and take them to the grocery store, or save them on your phone or tablet for easy access on the go.